New Step-Free Access for London Underground
Robinson Kenning & Gallagher have been appointed as Sub-Consultants to provide architectural design elements for this new ‘Step-Free Access’ scheme. Working with the Lead Consultant (Ramboll) as part of Taylor Woodrow/BAM Nuttall design team a new overbridge with two lift towers and staff-access staircase has been designed.
The new overbridge and lift towers are to be sighted at the west end of the Station and will form a new freestanding structure. Access to the new overbridge will be via the new lift towers which will provide access from Platform 3 (main Station entrance side) to the island platform (platforms 1 and 2). A staff access staircase is also to be provided for maintenance and emergency use only.
The design and location of the new lift towers and overbridge has been carefully considered to achieve not only the best operational location but also the visual impact on the existing single storey station building.
Taylor Woodrow/BAM Nuttall are the main contractor delivering these works for London Underground. Website images of construction provided curtesy of Taylor Woodrow/BAM Nuttall.